Sunday, 29 June 2014

Music appreciation post again, and summary for this holiday

Tomorrow, well actually today since it's past 12, marks the end of this June "holiday". I think it will be nice to do a little summary of what I have done, and also to push down the previous post on me being weird.

So, where shall I begin. Ah, first there's astro challenge, which I took part for the first day's and YOLOed. On the second day of astro challenge I was already on the plane to Taiyuan, China. It was some flight, since we transferred three times. Spent a week in China with my grandparents before I returned and went on another trip to port dickson, Malaysia for the annual astronomy retreat. Spent another 4 days there, with 2 days on the bus. And for the rest time I was either slacking or doing work. Oh and I spent a couple of days doing CenTaD research as well. Let's see what I've done:

1. Maths differentiation tutorial 5B (done in China)
2. Chem planning 3,4 and 6 (in one day)
3. Chem BT 2013
4. Chem pre-block test practice (done in two days)
5. Maths revision package topic 1-3 (four days)
6. Unfinished physics tutorial on circular motion and gravity

Ok I can't think of anymore for now. And if you have guessed it, I'm compiling this list to make it seem like I didn't slack too much throughout the holidays, so that I feel less guilty. Anyway, I have reasons, like oversea trips, for the things I haven't done, like:

1. EoM
2. KI lit review (1000 words)
3. Physics revision
4. Majority of KI revision
5. Maths revision package topic 4-5 and mock BT paper

I'm screwed.

Oh right, I'm supposed to share some nice music as well. Forget about what I'e written above. Here's some music that I found myself to enjoy upon discovering them:

Twilight techno

Portal ending theme--still alive

Which brings me to talk about my newest obsession during the holidays, which is the game portal (and portal 2). I have no idea how it developed, just searching up random memes like the cake is a lie, watched some gameplay videos and I instantly began to like it. And until now I still haven't played it. Nomoneynocreditcardsadlife. 

And I found this awesome video, must watch:

Oh yay.

Which brings me to tetris theme because I really love the tetris theme and start searching tetris remix and started playing tetris on my phone which wasted a couple more of my time...

Anyway, tetris remix:

And the awesome twilight techno by minecraft noteblock. I first learn of the music from this video:

And no I didn't forget about portal 2 themes. I love them as well, but still alive is still the best.

Btw I just scrolled through all the videos I've watched on youtube recently. Hmm I'm actually quite productive...on these sorts of random stuff. Can't believe I've watched so many videos in this holiday.

And I nearly forgot this:

It's the background music for the video pikachu on acid. Go look it up, it's awesome in a weird way.

And another video for fun:

Sorry I got distracted again watching amelie videos although not being able to understand a single word they say.

Okay I guess that's it for now. Block test coming in one day *cries*

No, I must be strong, and persevere. This is a test that I must do well in. I think I need some faith. Okay bye.

Saturday, 21 June 2014

I'm a cat and I find this offensive

Today, I offended a cat.

Was on my way back from my piano lesson, and I purposely went by the path that I saw the cat on my way to the piano lesson. No surprise, it's still there.

So I decided to bring some entertainment to the cat. I stood there and stare at the cat. The cat stare back at me, appearing uncomfortable. Finally, it decided to look away.

I shifted a little.

The cat immediately turn back in a split of a second. I continued to stone there. The cat turn back again. But its ears are twitching.

Shifted a little bit and jerked to a stop. Immediately it turned again. My bottle in my hand was still swinging, but I'm still. I even tried to breathe slowly.

*Above procedure repeated 5 times.*

I got bored of this, so I decided to do sth different. Thinking that if I jumped the cat can only hear me when I land, I jumped, vertically up.

Instantly the cat dashed forward with a lightning speed. Then it turn back and stared at me in horror.

I shrugged, and walk away.

The cat let out a sharp cry.

Sorry cat, if we were ever to encounter each other again, I will treat you nicely. You are a good cat.

Monday, 2 June 2014

Self-fulfilling prophecy

Sigh, set a good looking do-able list of agendas to be completed tonight, and I'm totally not following it. Got distracted here and there and now I'm blogging in the middle of night. It is 3.10 am now. I shall make this quick.

So holiday has started, while having so many things to be completed this period of lesson-free period should not be termed "holiday" (I don't think holidays exist, somehow the word can be found in the dictionary. Weird. Must have been a misprint) I decided to slack off a bit for the first two days and look, now I have to stay awake in the middle of the night to complete my essay and other things.

Why am I still blogging then -.- gah. Anyway, my point is that in the two days of pure slacking I accomplished a lot of things, that's completely random and serve no real purpose in life. An example will be me finally reaching the cosmic limit of the once loved but now hated game 2048. The 131072 tile hath been created (in practice mode of course, do I look that out of life). Real 2048 fans know that after that tile nothing bigger is possible because to create a number even bigger you will need more space than that is available. Then I went on to play this game called the silent age. Really awesome game. Managed to complete the first chapter. The second chapter is not out yet. But it looks really awesome. Here is their website:

Now the pianoguys beethoven's 5 secrets is playing in the background. Note to self: never set your favourite music to be the alarm.

Okay I'm back. So much rubbish and I haven't gotten to my main point. My main point is that, I also managed to watch the Matrix. Finally. Found it in an obscure corner of youtube. With my training in KI and all I wasn't really mindblown by the dream and reality thing. However I picked up a very important point on self-realisation: believing in yourself.

Since an early age I have had little confidence in myself. It got better over the years, but it is still a challenge.Being a rational person, I see no ground where I can base this belief on, belief of my capabilities. To believe I will need proof, but as we know, ability is a self-fulfilling prophecy. You will need some faith to achieve what you want to be.

I have based my belief on the measurable achievements I attain and what others tell me. But over the years I realise that it is not a very good way, because that will make one result driven and neglect other more important things, and also most of the time people don't give a damn about other people. Moreover every time I receive a compliment I was conflicted between two feelings, one is to feel happy about being recognised and other to be modest about any good achievements, so as not to appear shameless. Anyway I find myself a weird being that I sometimes couldn't even comprehend.

After not doing very well for the first half of the year, I think I need to regain some faith in myself. But I find it very difficult. Confidence is a positive feedback. When you gain some confidence, you will get more and more confident. But where shall I start?

Yet I know I need to get some, right now. I need faith to carry on.

From the matrix, I know that faith could be a powerful thing. I know I will be able to accomplish great things with it. Shall I blindly believe in myself? Maybe that's what I shall do, although I have no idea how.

Bleh this post is going nowhere. Time to start on my KI essay.