I know I haven't been posting for a really long time. Here I'm again going to share some new updates in life to whoever reading this.
This week has been really eventful. To me, holiday has yet to start. For the past few days I was bombarded with things. Firstly, we have this ChemEng challenge, meant for JC students but we went anyway. The breadth and amount of content to study is overwhelming. Furthermore, I missed the first two days of lessons to go for a course at NTU: seeNTU. Indeed, I see. Anyways, back to chemEng first, although I'm still thoroughly confused about certain topics, we actually performed well. We got 9th place I think, out of 17 teams. And as we are the only secondary school there, I would say this is indeed not bad. Through this competition, I also realised that I have not been hardworking enough. Had I put as much effort as I put in ChemEng into my normal studies, I would have emerged top of my class already (haha no just kidding). But seriously, this is the first time I mugged so hard, partly because our awesome teacher is teaching us too. I need someone to teach me to learn better I guess. And our awesome teacher, Mdm Hia, is really awesome. We were more like friends than teacher and student, and she bought us a lot of food too :D :D :D. I feel that this competition really stretched me, and I learnt many things too. And I can't think of anymore things to say, so I shall move on to seeNTU.
There are two courses which I attended--How rough can a surface go and Getting High on Caffeine. I signed up for this two because I thought the first one has some interesting quantum, or at least microscopic stuff, which I like, and the second one...well it's pretty self-explanatory, cos Caffeine is awesome!!!!!
Very sadly I have to go alone. #foreveralone.

So things are a bit awkward on the first day. Anyway, on the first day it's a bit boring, but the teacher is rather humorous (British guy, British humour and accent overload)
We learnt stuff like how the surface is different, how they react and roughness of surface. Then we went to a aerospace show room. It is rather interesting as we get to fly this styrofoam plane and see ppl going to the virtual plane. Then a random guy whose name sounds like walrus started talking to me and asking about random ny girls from his jap class. Then we started random chatting. It's kind of nice to have someone chatting with you when you don't know anyone there. I guess I have to be more sociable so that I won't feel awkward when I'm with strangers again.
On the second day it's slightly better as a rgs girl paired up with me for the experiments. Then we started talking and I was less alone. Day 2 is more awesome as it is caffeine! Although what we did I have already done in chem O, it still feels awesome. Ahh, Chemistry, my love. Really, whenever it's chemistry, I'll never be sad. I think I was quite high the whole day, but I didn't show it. (secretly high) Haha the two days are fun and I totally didn't regret them :)
And just today, I had my othello competition. :Mind once again blown after ChemEng: It's so unfair we were against University ppl! I think the pairing is pretty screwed up also. I was losing so many rounds and I still have to keep playing with the uni ppl. Sigh...but in overall I hope it's not that bad. Well, at least I won 4 games out of 7, and I did beat some uni ppl, so that is a consolation. For the entire day I was so feverish as apparently I didn't sleep well due to a bad stomach ache, and my brain overheated. I wish I can finally take a rest, after such an eventful week.
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