So yesterday I had a fun time simulating a conversation with a fictional teacher in my brain. In my mind I was a innocent and naive person (on purpose) and I was sleeping in a teacher's class (the teacher is someone I don't know, just a dummy taking the role). The teacher spotted me and shouted to wake me up. I rise my head and opened my buggy eyes, only to see the teacher's angry face. I was made to stand.
"Do you know what you just did?" The teacher shouted.
"I slept in your class."
"Why would you do so?"
"Because your lessons are really boring."
The teacher got really angry and raised his/her voice.
"Do you know how rude you are?"
"And you are equally rude to me." I replied.
"Stand for the rest of the lesson and see me after this." The teacher snapped.
"Why should I stand?" I became confused.
"You were extremely disrespectful!" The teacher shouted at the top of his/her lungs.
"But you are not respecting me either. I believe respect is to be earned. Now, we respect you because you are a teacher, hence you are expected to be wiser and more knowledgeable than us. But now, you seem to be abusing your authority, which makes me doubt whether you are worth of the respect."
"What do you say? To the principal's office, now!"
And so I went to the principal whom is of no importance because he/she is a more sensible person and allow this matter to be resolved personally by me apologising to the teacher.
After the incident the naive me in character thought that things ought to improve. Therefore, I sent an email to the teacher, firstly apologising again. Then I wrote "I believe that to prevent further unhappy incidents of this kind, we must resolve the root of the matter..." and then a long essay on how his/her lessons can be made less boring. In the end, signing off I smiled to myself, thinking how I can survive through the lessons more easily after the changes are made.
Yeah that totally doesn't happen in real life. Everything is created in my brain and I don't even act like that in reality. I'm experienced enough to know that people will be angry and not all people are willing to take criticisms. Still I wonder what happens if I really do this. This is what I mean, when I said that sometimes I'll create little scenarios in my mind to amuse myself.
Really, sleeping in class is bad. Don't do it. And the teacher I created here is a not so nice one. I believe most teachers are nice people, although most teachers don't like their authority to be challenged.
I'm really bored. Do other people also get bored this easily?
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