Monday 7 January 2013

I cannot think of a title. Nyan cat?

Hi. I'm back.

No, I'm not going to continue with the journal thing. Cos it's 1 months away already, and school reopened, and I'm too lazy to write.

This really shows how inconsistent I am. I don't even trust myself nowadays.

Anyway, today I'm going to write about sth that is epic, like the answer to life, universe and everything.

Nope, that is sth too simple to write on. The answer is obvious: 42.

So, I'm going to write about sth very small instead.


Today there is some misunderstanding, and I thought that we have to quit SMP. I was shocked, distressed, and in great pain and regret until I realised that there's still phase 2 application. Therefore, most likely we will still be able to apply. This made me realise sth. I used to take the smp for granted and thought that it's confirmed we can get a project, so I did not put a lot of heart and soul into it. After I've gone through all of these today, I really really treasure this opportunity now. It's like those people who have gone through a life and death situation and now living their life everyday to the fullest. I shall apply the same thing to my smp, and will really work on it with enthusiasm from today onwards.


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