Monday 14 January 2013

Tiring day

Today is pretty a tiring and distressing day. I had some conflict with Jia Yan that made me feel very angry. Knowing that posting bad things about other people especially my friend online is not very wise, I will skip the details and just say that it is quite an annoying thing, maybe due to conflict of ideas and way of thinking.

My personality is to do everything slowly but putting in heart and soul into it, producing a good piece of work. Jia Yan's personality is to finish everything asap so as to get rid of the sense of the burden of responsibility. I would say that both aspects are not wrong, and it depends on the situation. However, we still have a good one and a half week left for our presentation. Yet we have to rush the prezi by what seems like end of the day and even sacrificed our recess...

Jia Yan did the prezi and I appreciate her efforts very much. There is just some parts in the prezi that makes it look very unprofessional as overusing of pictures and colours and clumping of words have obstructed the points we are trying to get across, which is the main purpose of a presentation. I understand that making changes requires a lot of time, but I feel that since we still have some time left, it is worth it to change to meet quality standard. Maybe the look of the prezi isn't very important to Jia Yan, as she is focusing more on the content. However, as a very visual person, I simply cannot stand a bad piece of artwork. Maybe that's where the conflict start.

Nevertheless, I think we are cool. Can't believe that this stupid presentation can stir up so much negative emotion. Conclusion: doing presentations on topics that I have absolutely no passion about is pure torture

Note to Jia Yan if you are ever seeing this (maybe accidentally):
Sorry I didn't mean to say that you are not good. Just take this as a meaningless ranting because I just have to vent this uncomfort in my mind somewhere. After this incident, we are still good friends :)

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