Monday 4 February 2013

Updates on life

My life has became more and more depressing now...

I was late twice, in 2 weeks. I feel bad, and angry and frustrated.

I forgot to hand in my physics as 11.1 today, although I have done it

I forgot to DO my chem spa skill 3. Which is really really bad. Out of all things, why WHY  why did I forget to do my chem hw?????

I feel like a really sloppy student whose life is in the process of degradation.

This. must. stop. NOW.

I have AMC tmr, 2 quizzes and one time trial.

I have not studied for any of them. This made me feel really really bad. :(

And I'm still here. Writing this.

Also recently our smp is kind of a fail. We ended up in phase 3.

Anyway the SMP community is also fail. Their website still link to the application for phase 2. It's either they don't put in effort cos they think it's not very impt, or they have also given up hope for us, the phase 3 grp.

I'm really blue.

More updates:

-Liow is getting more and more weird. She tied up her hair today, first witnessed in the course of my 4 years in ny. She is also very angry today and scolded her class.
-I'm hooked to 2 pieces of music.
First is waltz no. 2 by Dmitri Shostakovich. It's really really awesome, and elegant.

Followed by Do you hear the people sing in Les Miserable.

The 2 pieces of music are just stuck in my head. :)

-Determination to study for biomedics olympiad, do finish notes for respiration, and get a new bio notebook to insert notes for sec 4 bio topics.
-I'm now in this very feverish, dreamy mode. I often wonder about things that may never happen to me.
-Okay I really love the 2 pieces of music

Now I feel better. A smiley given. :)

I hope, that life will get better and better, and I will have more times when I feel really happy without knowing why.
These are real happiness.

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