Monday 18 February 2013

Hmm...busy day

I'm screwed. I haven't done my maths e-learning, maths CD WS AD1, WS AD1, Chinese past year O'level paper 2012, research for LA panel discussion, physics assignment and Jap HW. Nevertheless, I'm still going to blog this.

Today I went to Yuan Zhen's concert, or a chinese song writing competition. Yo Yuan Zhen you r awesome!!!!! I don't know if she win any prizes cos me and Jia Yan left before the results are announced. However, I really admire the courage of Yuan Zhen. She is the youngest contestant there (the rest are all university people) and she managed to write a song herself and perform it! And she made it to the top 10! No matter what you get, Yuan Zhen, you have already done very well, and you have my full respect. I can't imagine performing in front of so many people, I can't even imagine entering a competition like that all by myself. Good job, Yuan Zhen!!!

Another thing I want to talk about is this music piece Waltz no. 2 by Shostakovich, a Russian composer.

I don't know if it's due to the black and white picture, or his straight and (slightly) worried face, I always feel a kind of hidden sadness in the waltz. Although it's supposed to be happy (?), I feel that the piece want to tell  us sth, a story. Especially when the long violin part come in, I really feel heart-wrenching. Is this supposed to be what the music is trying to convey? Or is it just me?

I researched the story of this composer, and found out that he was a child prodigy. After he grew up, he became a famous composer but there's this period in his life that he's living under the shadow of Stalin. Some really horrible things were done to his family and close friends. Nonetheless, he managed to escape death. During this period of time, he was like a puppet and had to compose things that suite Stalin's taste. However, deep inside he never wished to do that. As a composer, of course he want to express his music freely. Therefore, there's always some form of rebellion in his music style.

I don't know why, I just feel some unspeakable emotions when I listened to his waltz no. 2, and have to listen to it again and again. I think I may have fallen in love with this piece, and maybe the composer too. My heart wrenched when I hear the long "waltz" part, and I thought of what this composer had encountered. He's a great man.

Newest update 18 Feb 2013: Sorry this is actually supposed to be posted yesterday but my comp auto log-off due to the stupid windows parental control. Okay, so I'm posting this now. And I still have so many work left...T.T

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