Sunday 10 March 2013

Smashed comp

My comp is crashed, literally. 

7 March 2013 marks the death of my computer, my awesome acer laptop. Cause of death: being smashed by a hammer. Cause of cause of death: my mom.

Yup my mom smashed my comp with a hammer. It's not exactly my comp, since she also has an admin account on that comp. In fact, it isn't even my comp because I'm just a standard account. 

However, since she never really use it and I use it all the time and it's forever stationed in my room, I guess it can be called "my comp".

Anyway, the thing started out like this:

Some days before, I was given the privilege to get into the admin account because I can't download the software with just a standard account. (need admin password). You really have no idea how irritating the guest account thing is. You can't download anything and upgrade any plug-ins or software. You also cannot fix problems because you don't have the "admin rights". Some more I was restricted by the stupid windows parental control. I can't log in before or after my allocated time slots. Sometimes when I'm using halfway, the comp will just auto log-off because the time is up. Sometimes the thing can really get onto my nerves. Imagine you are writing your essay halfway and bam, the comp auto log off. You didn't even save your work. And when you ask your parents to log into their account to extend the time they will give a stingy 1 hour extension, when 15 min has already passed to extend the thing and switch back the account. I get really tensed up and pressurized whenever my time is going to be up. I totally hate that feeling. Therefore after under the tyrant rule of the parental control for such long I can finally change my fate and be free, so I went to change my account type to be admin and disabled all the parental control. 

Well this kind of thing has happened before and my parents always dismissed them as a form of joke/ sth not very serious. So this time after my mom found out she went to change back the parental control with me sitting at the side watching everything happen. Well of course I can't just sit there and watch this happen so I tried to grab the mouse and change my account type back to admin. 

For no reason my mom suddenly became very angry and she said you can't live like this anymore!! (For the previous 4 days I've been sleeping quite late because I'm chionging my chem olympiad presentation and my mom thought that I slept so late mainly because I was wandering in the internet well I can't disagree completely that they took some time but I used the comp mainly for chionging the presentation and not random stuff) I continued to try to "fight" with her. Suddenly she said that if I'm going to continue she'll go and smash the comp.

Given that my parents are quite, well how shall I put it, the save money type I believe that she won't do sth that stupid so I challenged her to smash it. 

So, the tragedy happened. 

Now I'm using my mom's comp, with the wifi spoiled, connected using LAN cable and thus only been able to go internet on the sofa. I still have to chiong my six page IH reflection T.T How am I going to chiong it now without the wifi? My IH SIA report is still stored in the smashed comp...

Anyway thanks to the IH reflection I have a chance to use this comp and connect to internet. After a while I'll have to go offline. *sad life* I really don't understand what's wrong with my parents.

Anyway, RIP comp.

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