Saturday 16 March 2013

LSC and march holidays

I just came back from graces camp. During the camp, there had been times of happiness, but somehow I always feel a bit sad when it comes to these times. I laughed and smiled a lot, yet feeling a slight blueness. The memories of time spent in nygh rushed through my mind, and I suddenly realised that I'm already sec 4. And then I realised that I'm about to graduate soon, and this lifeskill camp is going to be the last one I ever will have. I was reading the posts on nygh confessions where sec 1s, 2s and 3s are happily commenting on their LSCs, and made me think: wow, somehow I've already been through 3 LSCs! 

I think it always occurs to me, that I'll tend to feel sad in times of extreme happiness. 

Never mind, I'm being overly emotional. I'll now talk about a happy thing. I managed to re-contact AYL!!! Ah, it's that feeling when you get to talk to your long lost friend. She still remains my best friend. I feel that she the person who can understand me, having the most similar thinking as me. It's like two jig saw puzzle pieces, fitting perfectly. I really wish we can spend some time together and talk about our experiences since we parted. I realise that relationships will get diluted with time. I really hope that we will still be able to maintain our friendship, and share things we love. 

This LSC is also slightly different for me compared to others. It is more special, in the sense that I can observe a person in greater detail. This year may be a tough year for the person, I wish the person all the best, and remember: what doesn't kill you make you stronger :)

I don't know if the person will be able to see this. Most likely not. Still, I would like to offer my wishes, in you having a good life ahead, enjoy your life and live it to the fullest. A poem dedicated to you: 


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