Tuesday 5 February 2013

dizzy like never before

Today is a busy and slightly depressing day. We had 2 quizzes and one graded compo that must be completed on the day itself. I also had AMC. Totally flunked it. It was till 30-40 min passed that I realised I never flip the booklet open properly and I missed out a lot a lot of questions (like half of the questions). No wonder the questions are like so hard (cos I did the end part). So I quickly chiong but at that time my brainpower is all summoned to tackle the die hard questions and had died. I was feeling ultra dizzy, like I could easily fall out of my chair if I swing my head too much. The feeling is horrible, and it continued till now. My head feel like stone, and is supported by my vulnerable neck. Urghh I can support my head anymore, it's going to drop...it's going to explode!!!

So in the end I also cannot do the easy problems properly. Never mind, I'm expecting my participation cert now.

Conclusion: Never attend these kind of thing again. You pay $8 dollar to suffer and make your head explode. Hmm...

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