Saturday 16 February 2013

Today's biomedical olympiad

Today's Biomedical Olympiad is hilariously difficult and boring. It's difficult, and it's boring, and it's made hilarious by the awesome me.

Well, most of us didn't study so we just anyhow do the paper. Two hours are given for the paper, and it's given for those who actually studied and mugged their way to this competition and aspired to be a neuroscientist and that sort of thing. Most of us finished the paper, like 1 hour earlier? I was trying to make sense out of the question while I can just hear my classmates randomly flipping through the paper quickly, a clear indication that *insert rage face*. I think they finished even faster like half an hour earlier than me or sth lol.

There are two sections: 50 MCQ questions and 25 short answer questions, while the short answer questions are like a cloze passage where you have to fill in specific neuroscience terms. The cloze passage is really hilarious. It's actually quite serious, about people who suffered from certain diseases etc. The funny part is the imagination where random words just pop up in ur mind and making the whole passage sound nonsensical. On the answer script, I write "random word" the words themselves for all the questions that I don't know. However on the question script itself, I filled in really random words. For example, Mrs Toh has this this symptom, therefore she has swag. There's some hormone that is secreted at coca-cola dispenser. The hormone travels through coca-cola and reduce production of pepsi and sprite. In the pituitary gland narwhals are secreted. Increased production of narwhals cause less (random hormone that I filled in) to be secreted. Another patient Me has this this symptoms, therefore she is most likely suffering from International Biomedical Olympiad 2013. This is caused by the virus IBO 2013.

Anyway, even for the questions I "know", I only write stuff base on my sixth sense, which is unreliable to the degree of negative infinity.

After a while I got really bored. I started drawing on my question script. I drew uhmm angry birds (the red, yellow, blue and green one. They look really ugly, ah my skill of drawing angry birds has deproved),  random nerve cell on the first page, a dog that has been drawn on my table, mad squirrel and nutty heaven with a lot of nuts, 2 weird snails, stuff that's absolutely gay to the max. I also wrote some random philosophical questions (such as why the brain name and study itself),  some cheesy science jokes and pi and avagadro's number and half of the periodic table (no time to finish). It's amazing how many things you can accomplish in one hour with the strong drive of boredom.

I even drew a comic script and the rough idea is as follows:

A chemist and his friend walk into a bar.
Chemist: I would like some H2O.
Friend: I would like some H2O too.
Friend drinks and dies.
Chemist: Idiot!

And some lame jokes:
A neutron walks into a bar.
The bartender says: "For you, no charge!"

Gosh I'm really too bored.

I can't imagine someone actually flipping open my question paper, it is filled with doodles and these crap. And the cloze passage at the end... I'm really afraid that I'll get stomped. The reputation of me and me school was good, until someone stomps a random question script, aaaand it's gone.

Anyway, I flunked this **** and we proceeded to lunch. I saw Si Jin!!!!! I saw her at the LT but we were sitting so far away and I waved to her a few times but the attempts failed terribly. Afterwards I finally managed to talk to her during lunch. Our conversation went like this:

SJ: Long time no see!
Me: Yeah, really long time :) I saw you just now!
SJ: Yeah me too. *a short period of awkward silence* So how's the paper?
Me: Hehe I'm prepared to fail.
SJ: Me too I'm prepared to get zero.
Me: Haha me too. I was like too bored so I started to draw stuff like...uhm angry birds, and narwhals and snails...
SJ: Really o.o I drew things too but I erased them.
*another period of slightly awkward silence*
Si Jin's friend came.
Me: Okay...bye!
SJ: See you!
Me: Bye!

Okay I sound like a socially awkward penguin. After that we never see each other again and I just went home.

But before I went home I was with Celine and we had lunch. Technically, for me it's considered dessert time. Ahhhhhh I couldn't eat!!! I just tightened my braces yesterday T.T. So I watched them finishing the delicious spaghetti with mushroom cream...and broccoli... and fried fillet and roasted chicken...T.T

Then there's this dessert that looks green and suspicious with bits of unknown material floating inside. I tried and it tasted like pandan. Quite a lot of people were queuing for it. When it's my turn (actually I think I cut the queue of some RGS ppl but I don't know they r queuing...sorry) le wild random Indian uncle suddenly cut my queue and he dropped the ladle into the big container of the suspicious-looking dessert. AND HE ASKED ME TO PICK IT UP.

WTH. So I tried to use the plastic spoons provided to scoop the handle out. I managed to get it out. Then the uncle used the ladle to scoop some for himself and he passed it to me. Then another wild usher came and tell the uncle that he should let the contestants take our servings first O.O Who's that random uncle???

Anyway, I really didn't want to touch the handle, but I have to. So I did. Afterwards, I took some tissue from the food table, wiped my hands and passed to the RGS girl to wipe the handle.

Afterwards when I was queuing for the drink which is very near to the dessert. The same thing happened. The girl was like "OMG I'm so sorry!" and I'm like *put on sunglasses* calmly saying "It's okay it happened before." Then I used the spoon to take out the ladle again. This time I just took a whole packet of tissue and place it on that table, then I took some tissue and wiped the ladle. I think the person may thought I cut her queue (another person). But I just briefly wiped the ladle and left. (and in the process I dropped it AGAIN) Then I spotted that there's two ladles in the soup like thing. O.O Okay now I seriously doubt the level of hygiene of that dessert, since so many people touched the ladle and the ladle dropped like don't know how many times...

Okay so that's the whole story of today's biomedical olympiad. Oh and Yung Shan spotted like 4 HCI chem olympiad people. Awkwaaaaard...

Okay that's all. Sorry for being long winded ^_^

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