Friday 15 February 2013

I give up...

I give up on studying neuroscience, for biomedical olympiad tmr.

Yeah, I should have started earlier, whatever.

Anyway, firstly, the questions posed are really difficult, and according to a blog I saw, it doesn't matter if you actually studied really hard, because the words in the questions are unrecognisable and everybody was guessing.

Secondly, I asked a lot of classmates who seemed *cough cough* to not have studied a lot for the olympiad, challenge, whatever you call it. Some of them just read the textbook. We, as nygh people, really have no time. Who would go and study for an olympiad when you have so many pressing homework already?

Thirdly, the teachers also did not provide a lot of help. They only put up a few websites (like 2). The suggested references posed by the olympiad community are also not to be found in our school library. The teachers always say vague things like you need to read up a lot, read the terminology etc but where????? I just feel very confused and it is really too tiring for me to look up a lot of websites and absorb all the infos present. Also according to my classmate her friend from other school received a thick stack of notes from their teachers. I guess our school just don't value this competition as much.

So, I give up. I'm not even clear on the basic concepts. Now I suddenly remembered some muggers from 401 who was reading up on it with their phone during GCP. Errr I just don't have the passion! I use to have it, but I'm so stressed up now. Who talks about passion when you have so much stress piling up? (The competition is tmr and my comp is logging itself out in 2 min!!!!!)

Screw this. I kind of totally regret signing up for it, and I'm depriving another person of her chance.

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