Wednesday 6 February 2013

Dat feeling...when you just don't know to go to the left or the right (or up or down or front or back)

Hehe, I'm posting so frequently now.

I shall start with a sharing of 2 pieces of classical music. Both by Liszt. Just listened to them (and is still listening now :)

Does the first one remind you of Tom and Jerry? :D

Okay. So now I'm again facing a dilemma (after the previous post "a dilemma"). This time, it's about my GCP trip. OMG I WANT TO GO TO SO MANY OF THEM!!! Cough cough, anyway, a lot of them are very appealing and I really really want to go.

There was a briefing earlier on about the silicon valley trip to US and the maths and science trip to US and I thought they are the same thing, until when the e-fair came out today. So, my first dilemma: to go to silicon valley or maths and science.

Both is to US. Both is about science and technology. If you go for silicon valley trip, you get to go Google. If you go for maths and science, you get to go NASA. Both are equally awesome.

Second dilemma: To go overseas or stay local.

To go overseas, of course is to go US, either the SV or MS.

To stay local, there's a couple of interesting programmes for us. Attachment to A*Star!!!!!!!!! OMG chem chem chem chem chem. And synthesizing new substances!!!

There is also physics programme. Nope not going to consider bio. Physics is more like a workshop. (some may notice my change of tone here, not going to tell you why). You also get to do cool stuff, and there are courses on programming and microscopy. It's also quite interesting, and mainly because of 91414531. (This is a code you will never be able to decode. Even if you are a genius and manage to decode you still won't know what it means. :)

However, since my parents already granted my $2000 loan which is going to be paid by my future salary (T.T), I still prefer going overseas (although the local programmes are pretty awesome as well). Going to US is a rare opportunity. Going to google or nasa is an even rarer opportunity. Opportunity is to be cherished. Therefore, dilemma#2 solved.

Let me discuss with my parents, although they may give undesirable suggestions. (But if I ever have a will to go against them my dilemma is solved, and if not I just follow what my parents suggest :D I'm such a genius.)

Okay. Now I have bio quiz to study and plenty of other homeworks. Time to go for dinner too. Bye :D

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