Thursday, 7 November 2013

Hexagons are awesome, and what a wonderful world

I think hexagon is going to become my favourite shape.

Hexagons are so cool!

As with my usual weird and unconventional obsessions, I'm recently obsessed with this game known as super hexagons. It is the hardest game I've ever played but yet so addictive, and I can't stop watching videos of pros playing it.

The graphic makes me feel like I'm on drugs and the music is just so badass.

And I screamed when I came across this awesome picture of minecraft in hexagons.

Awesome, isn't it?

Hexagons aside, I'm also in love with a song recently. What a wonderful world

It made me realise that the world we live in is really wonderful, and really we should appreciate. Our place in the universe is so special. We know that it is not easy to evolve life, let alone complex and intelligent life forms such as us humans and the animals and trees on our planet, that makes our planet so beautiful and lively. I'm saddened that humans are destroying our planet, destroying these delicate works of nature. People have no idea how vulnerable our planet is. Instead of those cliché talks on environmental protection and blah, environmentalists should instead show people this:

Isn't it wonderful how our world has formed? And isn't it more wonderful that nature created us humans to wonder about our origins and other things? No matter what, we are special. We will never know if our existence is a mere coincidence of all the factors that are required in such precision. If it is, then we are lucky. If people understand that in millions of kilometres away, it is all cold and dark empty space, that our planet is so alone and so precious, that we may never be able to meet other living beings...

This is the real distance between moon and earth:

Yes, you all have been cheated by your textbooks.

And earth when viewed from the moon:

If we all know that we are so lonely, then maybe we won't be fighting meaningless wars and having stupid politics. Also, we would probably stop mistreating our planet as such just to satisfy our greed.

I feel bad to say that more humans should die. We are growing exponentially and relying on earth just like parasites. We are like leeches, sucking our resources dry. Moreover, sometimes it's just our greed, it's not even what we really need. It is an understatement to say that humans are the most dangerous animals on this planet.

And while typing this I'm literally wasting electricity, contributing to global CO2 emission. Sigh...

When can the human population come into realisation? It's impossible for me to stop what I'm doing and live in a cave. But I wish humans can be less greedy and selfish, just abort the consumerism lifestyle.

Really, our world is wonderful. When you feel sad, just think how lucky you can be to live in such a wonderful world. (go listen to the song!)

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