Sunday 4 August 2013


Hi I'm finally updating again, despite that it is block test period and I still haven't studied for bio which definitely requires more than a day to study but #YOLO. I also wasted my life away chatting with random people on wechat because I'm seriously bored. Really, really bored. I guess boredom is the primary motivation for people to do stupid things, I'll take note of that.

Actually there is some things that I've wanted to share but I forget them all. Well nm, I shall just share some good music this time:

Oh yeah now I remembered. I want to watch the phantom of the opera! I didn't know that it came to Singapore and so early somemore. I guess I'm stuck under the rock for too long. Oh goodness I definitely am not going to miss it this time, and it will be the first time that I can watch a proper musical, of world class standard.

I think I don't have to mention how obsessed I'm with the phantom of the opera. I have two pieces in my phone, right now.

Before I fantasize any further, I still have exams to study. Sigh... I think I care and less and less about my studies now, there's not even a bit of sense of urgency in me currently.

Since I talked so much of phantom of opera I should include some of it's pieces as well. Here you go:

And I just realised that many of my videos embedded has broken links or removed on youtube. I'm too lazy to look through the previous ones so bear with me. 

Also, I'm obsessed with British culture. I want to study at UK for uni so badly...ahh, the accent, their mannerisms and all of these awesome British dramas. I want to live there!!!

Okay I just got spanked by my mom for not sleeping at 1.02 am and blogging instead. I shall get going now. #YOLO

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