Tuesday 3 September 2013

Derping around

In case you are wondering why I'm not asleep and doing don't know what in the middle of the night, that's because

1. I'm an owl
2. I don't like to sleep early
3. Sleep is for the weak
4. I was downloading random fonts and exploring with them

okay this font thing is a random discovery. It all started when people on my class whatsapp group are discussing what fonts to use for the word nygh. Therefore, I went to google for fonts, and found this website that has so called 1001 fonts. I'm too lazy to count to verify. Anyway, I browsed through some of the fonts and downloaded a number of them. Okay a lot of them like 20+. After which I spent some time to unzip all the files and install them into word.

So mow, my awesome word has dozens of new awesome fonts! Cheer for me!

And also I deleted some fonts which people never ever are going to use. I wonder what are some of the fonts there for. They are so ugly that using them will be an insult to the reader.

After looking through all the fonts, I saw this special font that has arrows in the words. Then I think of direction, then I think of lost.

And so I started to waste my time efficiently on doing a art word thing on the theme lost. Remember that I'm doing with Microsoft word, so I have to shift all the text boxes, adjust the width of words, adding in colours etc. which is a total pain. However, after hours of meaningless hard work this is what I finally got:

Okay I know the colours may seem cluttered and not very in harmony, but it's not bad for a first timer right? :D This is my first time in attempting this kind of word art. And it may seem a bit messy, but messiness is part of the intended outcome.

Hmm maybe I can tone down on the colours of the word colours.

Haha I'm so proud of myself :DDDDDD

And to end off this post I shall insert a random emoticon. ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ


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