Saturday 28 September 2013

Interesting clip

Recently I've watched a lot of videos on dimensions, especially those in the "imagining 10 dimensions" series. There are a lot of ideas involved, a truly enriching experience. Although there are some questions which popped up in my head whether the 4th dimension is time or spatial, because after the 10 dimensions time is still added, making it 11 dimensions (?) Also, how do we base higher spatial dimensions on a time dimension? Nevertheless, the video does have a clear way of explanation and visualisation. Although I got lost somewhere at the 7th, the ideas are really interesting.

So here is a collection of the entire series. The individual ones are linked in the video annotation:

Sadly embedding is not allowed.

And I also came across this awesome acapella on string theory. This guys just got his master degree in physics (I believe) and he made awesome acapella science videos. Yay this one can be embedded.

I can't wait to learn about quantum physics, relativity and string theory! I may not have what it needs to understand, but please give me a chance to learn.

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