Friday 26 October 2012

A Dilemma

So, the past three days have been doomsday for us all, because we are getting back our EOY result. !@#$%^&

Anyway, because I didn't really study very hard for this EOY, I should consider my results as good. This time, the science teachers are the trollers, and the humanity teachers seem like the nicest people on the world. Well, everybody died for physics and bio, and survived IH. In fact, our class did remarkably well for IH. When we passed the scripts to the front, I observed a number of 50+ (out of 55, yes our class is crazy). For those dying to know my mark, congratulations, I am not going to tell you so swallow your disappointment and read on.

Okay, back to the topic where our science teachers are trollers, you should see their look when we get back our papers, the physics teachers have the sinister look and our bio teachers' faces are all dark. I am expecting at least above 80 for my sciences but my bio failed me by one mark. This really irritates me, given that I spent like 5 days to revise for my bio and one day for physics+chem. The whole level did pretty badly for bio. My class only has a few who get higher than 80. I wonder if there is anybody who get higher than 90 in the entire level?

Physics is…I don’t know, not sure if it’s good or bad. There is some parts inside which I want to kill myself for doing it wrong. When I get back my paper the red markings seem to be screaming to me “Y U get this wrong you idiot”. Especially when I realised I shaded one answer in my OAS wrongly. I literally strangled myself (but then I ran out of oxygen so my hand dropped). There are some trick questions inside also, making the setters 100% trolls. (pun intended)

Chemistry is…THE BEST SUBJECT IN THE WORLD!!!!! Yes it is awesome. Chemistry is awesome. Chemistry is awesome. Chemistry is awesome. Chemistry is awesome. Chemistry is awesome. Chemistry is awesome. Chemistry is awesome. Chemistry is awesome. Chemistry is awesome. Chemistry is awesome. Chemistry is awesome. Chemistry is awesome. Chemistry is awesome. Chemistry is awesome. Chemistry is awesome. Chemistry is awesome. Chemistry is awesome. Chemistry is awesome. Chemistry is awesome. Chemistry is awesome. Haha me love chemistree.
I think our school’s chem standard is quite low, especially when being compared to phy and bio. I heard that HCI is learning the quantum model of the atoms o.o but we are still stuck at circular, two dimensional orbits. Seriously, if we used 2 months to do mole, we surely have time to learn the quantum model and other cool stuff, and do not have to self study air and atmosphere during the holidays >:(


So, linking back to the topic “a dilemma”, I don’t know whether to pair chem with physics or with bio. Well, personally I like physics more because I have to think and little memorisation is required. However, I know very well that I may not have the brain. Especially when we get to the higher level of education, I am not sure whether I will be able to cope well. Physics really require the gift, if you can’t do, you can’t do. For bio, at least your performance will be directly proportional to the effort you put in, but you need to study really really hard, and I'm not interested in becoming a doctor/microbes/dissection/growing bacteria etc. If I ever become a biologist, I'll become a naturalist but that will be too far away from the field of chemistry. Okay, so why must I pair up chemistry anyway? Because learning purely chemistry will narrow your scope of occupation by a lot, and it will be mostly industrial chemistry, meaning you have to stay in a factory or something like that, which is dangerous and boring. I think I'm more interested in science than technology, I don't care how you use it, I just want to discover it :D

And although I love explosions, I certainly do not want to be in the explosion itself. 

So, this is the dilemma, and I will have to make a choice in sec 4, before I move on to JC. 

Maybe I should toss a coin?

(P.S. after this EOY I'm not sure if it is really such a good idea to venture into the fields of phy and bio when I grow up)

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