Sunday 28 October 2012

Yay I'm posting again!

I'm posting a lot recently which means that my blog isn't dead anymore, for the time being. Cos I'm way too bored.

So, now is post exam and time should be meaningfully, joyfully spent. All our dream fall short after Mr Tay told us to do an IH presentation. Tmr.

Well, seems that all teachers have this misconception that after exam = we are free. Well, we are not. We need to do cool stuff, like growing cupcakes and rabbidizing trees.

So, instead of having a wonderful weekend, we spent hours at home doing script and powerpoint slides for the presentation. And the presentation is only 10 min.


And we have to bring own laptop some more. 这么没有诚意。

Okay, enough of my ranting. Tomorrow is another long day to endure. The only thing I'm looking forward to is the CLEP taiwan trip briefing. Yup, I'm going TAIWAN!!! :D Have I mentioned this anywhere in this blog? I forgot. So this is the update: I'm going TAIWAN!!! :D. Oh wait I realised I mentioned it in le ambitious holiday plan. Okay nm.

And also the guy from Maldives finally stopped calling me. He called me like 1am in the morning. Must have forgotten about the time zone difference. After I ignored him for 2 days, he gave up and never harass me any more.

My life is awesome. The end.

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