Thursday 4 October 2012

time is nothing but relativity

Okay. Since I have a blog and it's been dead for years, maybe I should consider making a bit of use out of it? 

Times have changed. This blog is created when I'm still Primary 5 XD. So, apparently being a sec 3 now, life certainly changed a whole lot. I think when I look back on my posts, I'm like looking at a different person.

Just a bit of important updates so that this blog links:
1. I'm sec 3
2. I'm in nanyang now.
3. ^homeworks pretty dominated my life
4. I have a sad life
5. But I'm still remaining positive.
6. I'm therefore using this blog for these joy and happiness in life, and occasionally sarcasm or satire?
7. So this blog is now for posting relatable stuff, and mocking my life in a light manner

Hehe, because facebook is too mainstream.

Ahh, I miss the time when people are still blogging.

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