Sunday 21 October 2012

Le ambitious holiday plan

1. Do finish bio notes on last 2 chapters.
Okay this is a bit stupid, but I didn't finish my bio notes before my bio EOY. 

2. Study my chem olympiad notes thoroughly.
People who know my miserable life will know how I suffered this year's chem olympiad. So far I only managed to understand 50% of what is being taught. To prevent myself from suffering again next year, I shall understand this year's topic thoroughly before moving on. 

3. Study for biomedics olympiad.
Why am I always studying even during the holidays? #sadlifeofanyghstudent

4. Go Taiwan!!!
Yes I'm going to Taiwan!!! For GCP and on my own, which means I'll be going twice. Muhahahaha

5. Revive my blog
precisely what I'm doing now 

6. Learn html (optional)

7. Maths HW--self study on two maths topics 
Why is my life so sad?

8. Think of a good project to do for my smp next year.

9. Earn $100 (optional)

btw today a random guy from Maldives called my phone thrice and asked me to go internet or sth. I wonder where my phone number could have leaked. 

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